
Wanco Asset Tracker

Asset Tracker

Wanco Asset Tracker installed on virtually any piece of powered equipment provides the precise GPS location and location history in Wanco Fleet Manager.

Wanco Compass for Wanco Fleet Manager


Wanco Compass installed on connected arrow boards, message signs and speed signs, indicates the compass bearing of the sign in Wanco Fleet Manager interface.

Speed-Detection Radar

Wanco Speed-Detection Radar paired with a message sign can display vehicle speed and display a message, such as a warning for drivers to slow down.

Traffic Data Classifier System

A safe method for analyzing traffic patterns using side-fire radar to measure and record vehicle count, speed, direction and length. Data analysis app included.

Modem Package with GPS

Lets you monitor, program and run diagnostics on Wanco message signs remotely, saving time and money, and reducing the need for training off-site personnel.

Have questions? Contact us today.
